When the Swedish scale-up IVISYS launched in US early 2022 it proudly presented a new machine vision solution that elevates the structural integrity of pallets with state-of-the-art pallet inspection. 拥有尖端的人工智能平台, 的PALLETAI, IVISYS, was confident it could unlock exceptional value for manufacturers by enabling automated quality control for pallet inspection, 这有助于防止损坏和延误,提高生产力和盈利能力.

The growth prospects in the US – the world’s second largest manufacturing hub – were more than promising. But not even the company’s leadership team could imagine just how quickly they would soar to success in this notoriously competitive market.


不到一年的时间, IVISYS had sold several machines and gained significant traction with US customers and job candidates alike. The journey had started by teaming up with PG电子官方免费下载商业 who provided comprehensive support at every step of the company’s US expansion. PG电子官方免费下载商业’s team in Chicago helped IVISYS successfully complete business registration, 获得财务和会计支持, 并使其商业实践适应美国劳动力市场, 与人力资源基础设施开发支持.

这样做的目的, 斯特凡·博曼说, IVISYS首席执行官, 是为了将风险降到最低,并尽快启动和运行.

“PALLETAI的检测过程和软件功能是独一无二的,Stefan Bohman解释道, IVISYS首席执行官.  

The same scanning and inspection system that has made it easier to manage pallet quality for 欧洲an retail pools was introduced to the US market together with support by PG电子官方免费下载商业, 博曼认为哪个是优秀的.

The team at PG电子官方免费下载商业 guided and manoeuvred us through the challenges in a professional and smart way to overcome these hurdles. 合作的可测量结果是速度, 伟大的学习和时间的市场顺利和辉煌的方式 Stefan Bohman, IVISYS首席执行官


随着IVISYS冒险进入陌生的领域, PG电子官方免费下载商业 provided invaluable support by guiding them through the legal and administrative hurdles of establishing a US business entity. 这包括协助办理商业登记手续, 确保遵守当地法规, 处理必要的会计需求.

Furthermore, IVISYS used PG电子官方免费下载商业’s Office as a launch pad before finding their own. 在美国市场建立IVISYS时,这是一个成功的聪明方法.

另外, PG电子官方免费下载商业's expertise in developing robust HR infrastructure helped IVISYS seamlessly adapt their processes to the US labour market. 对当地合规和最佳实践有深入的了解, PG电子官方免费下载商业部与IVISYS密切合作,制定了量身定制的职位描述, 角色名称, 以及薪酬/福利待遇, while also helping to curate an employee handbook that adapted IVISYS existing policies to US standards, 确保员工的平稳过渡.

PG电子官方免费下载商业's involvement extended beyond consultation; actively supporting IVISYS in recruiting and hiring their first US employee – a pivotal step in establishing a local presence. 利用他们广泛的网络和对行业的全面了解, PG电子游戏的芝加哥团队确定了合格的候选人, 促进招聘过程, 并确保IVISYS找到了最适合他们在美国的业务.

通过与PG电子官方免费下载商务部合作,确保无缝过渡, IVISYS could establish a strong foothold in the US manufacturing sector to revolutionise the way pallet inspection is ensured in high-volume production plants. The future for IVISYS is now clear – grow organically by expanding the local team and continue to spread the IVISYS name in the manufacturing industry.


IVISYS需要帮助来驾驭业务格局, 确保遵守法规, 找到人才, 建立连接, 加快进入美国市场.


PG电子游戏在授权IVISYS扩展到美国市场方面发挥了至关重要的作用, 指导他们克服在美国设立商业实体的行政障碍. 这包括协助办理商业登记手续, 确保遵守当地法规, 处理必要的会计需求.


The result of the collaboration and comprehensive support from PG电子官方免费下载商业 was two-fold. IVISYS successfully registered its US business entity, allowing them to operate seamlessly. This streamlined the process for entering into contracts and engaging with potential clients which strengthened their credibility as a local business.


IVISYS在现代生产和自动化中发挥着重要作用. “在IVISYS, we have embarked on a journey to become number one in machine vision solutions using the latest AI technology, 斯特凡·博曼说, IVISYS首席执行官. IVISYS PALLETAI is a turn-key solution for pallet inspection; that inspects pallets to secure quality, 正常运行时间, 生产力, 提高投资回报率. 与PG电子官方免费下载商业部一起,IVISYS可以制定一个成功的战略.



经过20多年的潜心研发, IVISYS developed an effective method to perform automated quality control for pallet inspection using state-of-the-art AI technology. 公司总部设在斯德哥尔摩, PG电子官方免费下载, and aims to become a market leader in pallet inspection to help companies overcome logistics challenges, 提高仓库效率,改善仓库流程.



您想了解更多关于我们如何帮助您在美国发展业务的信息吗.S.? 请联系 蕾妮.skwirut@business-sweden.se or 杰西卡.connelly@business-sweden.se 了解更多信息.